Clicker heroes cheats
Clicker heroes cheats

clicker heroes cheats clicker heroes cheats

Once you have reached level, the ideal Heroes to have gilded are Treebeast, Ivan, Brittany, Samurai, and Forest Seer. At first, you should not re-Gild your heroes at all. Generally speaking, you want your Gilds on the heroes that you use most. Who is the best hero in Clicker Heroes?.How do you earn money in Clicker Heroes?.What Does the Bee Do in Clicker Heroes?.What is the highest level in clicker heroes?.What is the fastest way to get hero souls in Clicker Heroes?.This applies to pretty much every flash game you've ever played. That would be a ton of work and added cost for almost no benefit. The only real solution is to make the game completely online, players logging into an account and saves being stored online and not locally (no importing or exporting either), with a constant internet connection required in order to keep playing (so the game can check for cheaters, and ban them if necessary). There's basically nothing you can do about this, unless you just stop letting players import/export and force everyone to use a single save with no backup. Then there's the possibility of a high-level player simply sharing their save. It's possible to make some countermeasures against this (the game already has some simple checks to make it hard to simply change your gold or souls, though that still leaves a lot of things you can edit, like hero/ancient levels), but again it's just making things harder for cheaters, not completely impossible. That's only a partial solution though, because there's also memory editing (using some program to change values in the game while you're playing) to consider. That doesn't guarantee that the saves won't be figured out, it just makes it a lot harder.

clicker heroes cheats clicker heroes cheats

Save editing can be somewhat stopped by obfuscating the swf (this has some disadvantages, for example a lot of bugs are found by players looking at the decompiled source), and completely changing how saves are encoded (this has the disadvantage of breaking every old save, pissing off a lot of players and forcing some of them to start over).

Clicker heroes cheats